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Day: March 30, 2020

Magnificent Monday, March 30th

Happy Monday, Fifth Graders!  I hope you had the most amazing weekend and you are ready to start off this week strong.  Remember, this week not all of the assignments are optional.  You have assignments that you must do and assignments you may do.  The must do assignments are listed as just that, must do.  The rest are things I think would be good for you to do but they aren’t the most important ones.  Please feel free to email me with any questions.  I will also have digital office hours in teams where you are able to come have a video chat with me to ask your questions.  Reminder those office hours are from 11:00am-12:00 pm and 1:00pm-2:00pm.

  1. Padlet Check In – Let’s check in for the day.  Answer the question on the padlet.  What do you hope our class gets to do with online learning?  Respond to at least two other posts
  2. Flocabulary Vocabulary Practice- Everyday you will spend some time on Flocabulary practicing vocabulary words.  The first time you log in you will need to follow this link to join our class.  Block 1 (Blue Class) your class code is 42QQMF. Block 2 (Green Class) your class code is RCF2SG.  In Flocabulary you have five tasks to complete and a video to watch by Friday.  I recommend you watch the video everyday and complete one task.
  3. Must Do– Interesting Dinosaurs and Fossils Writing- This week we will be completing an informational writing assignment sharing information about interesting fossils that have been found of different dinosaurs.  The articles you will need to read can be found in Newsela. Block 1 (Blue Class) can join our Newsela class here.  Block 2 (Green Class) can join here . Today you need to read three out of the five articles assigned on Newsela.  You can pick the three you find the most interesting. As you read, take notes in a circle map detailing any important/interesting information you wish to use in your writing piece.  
  4. Head over to Nearpod.  The code is MAOIQ if you are having problems with the link.  Complete the Nearpod about summarizing.
  5. Must Do- Scholastic News- Go to  Log in.  The student password is Brokaw.  Today I would like you to read the magazine titled Stolen Gold from March 30th.  Click the magazine and then click open presentation view to be able to read the first article titled Lost Treasure.  After you read the article follow this link to complete the Close Reading Questions.  Make sure to answer the questions using RACE.
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