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Day: March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25th

Good morning!  We are at the halfway point for this week.  Thank you to everyone who has been keeping on top of the daily posts.  If you have not been, that’s okay.  You have all week to get the tasks assigned on Monday done.  Those are the main assignments for the week.  The rest of the days will just be a couple of little things.  Here is a short menu for today…

  1. Would you rather Wednesday Padlet– Answer the question would you rather be a wizard or a superhero in the padlet.  Make sure to give reasons to support your answer.  Bonus points if you use punctuation and capital letters.  Reply to at least two other students.  Make sure to end your reply by including your name.  Others won’t know who it is from unless you do.
  2. Nearpod Creative Writing– Go through the Nearpod slides and complete the creative writing assignment.  It doesn’t have to be long, maybe a paragraph or two, just be creative!
  3. Comment on this blog post the best and worst thing about online learning.  Click the title of the blog at the top of the post (Wednesday, March 25th) and then scroll down so you can see the comment button.

As always let me know if you have any questions!

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