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Day: April 28, 2020

Women’s Rights Wednesday, April 28th

  1. Check in form– Let Ms. Brokaw know how you are doing!
  2. Flocabulary Vocabulary – TheMisunderstanding.  Remember you have all week to complete the tasks that go with your vocabulary assignment.  No rush to work through and complete them all day.
  3. Must Do- Time For Kids–  Read this article about Susan B Anthony.
  4. Must Do- Scholastic News- Read the final two pages on the Scholastic News Magazine titled Was This Statue Stolen and complete Was This Statue Stolen Quiz Whiz.

Transforming Tuesday, April 28th

  1. Flocabulary Vocabulary – The Misunderstanding..  Remember you have all week to complete the tasks that go with your vocabulary assignment.  No rush to work through and complete them all day.
  2. Must Do- Flocabulary- Susan B Anthony and Perseverance.  Learn about Susan B Anthony and complete the tasks that go along with it.
  3. Must Do- Scholastic News-  Think back to your Who Owns History reading yesterday.  Complete this form evaluating the claims of both sides interested in the statue.
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